
Route 6 - Palais Lane is a three part route in central Kalos. It connects to Route 7 in the south and Parfum Palace in the northwest. The main road can be taken from the start, but the two side paths can only be reached from Parfum Palace.


The main road is a straight shot to Parfum Palace. There are no wild Pokemon on the main path, but if you run along the left or right side, wild Pokemon will sometimes jump out at the large bushes. 

There are also a few trainers.


Tourist Hiroko – P880


Tourist Eriko – P880

The western side of Route 6 can be accessed from Parfum Palace. There are two Pokemon Trainers near the entrance that will challenge you to a Double Battle.



Poke Fan Family Jan & Erin – P2,240

Follow the dirt path south until you reach another trainer hiding in the tall grass.


Beauty Brigitte – P960

West of the Beauty Brigitte is a Super Repel up a small hill.

Continue along the path to the east. Jump the ledge on the dirt road and follow the path east and north to an Awakening.


Follow the dirt path south until you see a large Aguav Berry Tree within the tall grass to the west. Pick up the berry off the ground, then follow the path southwest to another Pokemon Trainer.


Youngster Tyler – P288

After the match, follow the path all the way south. You can head east to return to the main road, or you can battle one more Pokemon Trainer in the tall grass to the west.

Backpacker Roderick – P560

The western side of Route 6 can be accessed from Parfum Palace. Not far southeast is an Antidote. To the west is a Pokemon Trainer in the tall grass.



Backpacker Jerome – P560

West of Backpacker Jerome is an X Speed in a bare part of the route near some tall grass. Continue south along the path until you find another Pokemon Trainer in the tall grass to the east.


Tourist Takemi – P1,008

Follow the dirt road west until you reach another Pokemon Trainer.

Tourist Mari – P1,008

After the battle, follow the path east to one last Pokemon Trainer hiding in the tall grass.



Youngster Jacob – P312

North of Youngster Jacob is a Paralyze Heal. Far west is TM09 Venoshock on the hill near the main road.

All items and Pokemon Trainers should be cleared out now. Jump the ledge to the south and return to the main path.


Up Next: Parfum Palace

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